Saturday, 7 June 2008
What follows are the views expressed by the renowned
scholar Song Xiaoping, director of the Center for Cuban
Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
By: Nyliam Vázquez García
May 31, 2008
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
BEIJING.— Song Xiaoping, director of the Center for Cuban
Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, takes
his time to answer each question. It’s clear to him that
all the evidence provided by the Cuban authorities about
the U.S. involvement in the funding of mercenaries in Cuba
exposes the hostile nature of its policies.
«The U.S. has been the spirit behind these actions against
the Revolution from day one. Far from being secret, these
policies are fully known to the public, as well as to a
long string of American presidents who have openly declared
their various attempts to overthrow the Socialist
Revolution in Cuba», he assures.
With several books about our country and other articles on
specialized topics to his credit, Song Xiaoping is an
expert in the long-standing dispute between Cuba and the
United States, the reason that he stamps his words with an
emphatic tone.
«We are aware that for almost five decades the United
States has refused to recognize a government elected by
express wish of its people and their dignity and fond of
good State-to-State relations.
«Cuba has always been willing to negotiate with the U.S. on
the basis of equality and dignity to resolve bilateral
matters of importance to the lives of both peoples.
Regardless, the U.S. rejects negotiations and adopts a
tough stance towards the Island. I remember President Raúl
Castro’s speech on July 26, where he stated his willingness
to initiate contacts and talks to settle your differences,
but always on equal terms.
«As a scholar I think Cuba has adopted fair measures. The
U.S. must take its anti-Cuban policy up for
Professor Song also refers to Washington’s double-dealing
policy in matters crucial to world stability, a recurring
fact we can easily demonstrate, he adds.
«What strikes everybody most is that in fields like human
rights or terrorism, the U.S. usually adopts double
standards. I have read a great deal about the case of Luis
Posada Carriles, your typical terrorist, who has been
proved to have shot a Cubana airplane out of the sky with
76 passengers on board. Despite the testimonial evidence,
the U.S. courts not only leave him free, but also protect
him», he remarks in anger.
«This double-dealing position is cause for concern at
international level, and especially among peace-loving
countries opposed to terrorism», he says.
Then he points out on a more optimistic and heartfelt note:
«Many sectors in the U.S. –in the Congress, the Senate and
the business community– are in favor of good relations with
Cuba. I feel and notice that the American people wish to be
friends and cooperate with the Cuban people. Some people
there frown on their government’s hostility and want a
change, and their voices are becoming louder and louder. I
think it’s about time that the U.S. gives some serious
thought to the possibility of having normal relations with
Before he finished, Professor Song talks about the Cuban
doctors who traveled to China to help the victims of the
earthquake in Sichuan.
«I was moved deep in my heart by the arrival of the Cuban
doctors. It’s a sign of the Cuban people's friendship and
their generous feelings of internationalism for other
peoples, including the Chinese.
«These are times of real sorrow and self-sacrifice for my
fellow countrymen in Sichuan. And it’s precisely now that
the Chinese people are coping with so much hardship when
the Cuban government’s help tugs at your heartstrings», he
said, his voice faltering with emotion.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
June 4 (Xinhua) -- China fully supports good governance,
human rights and rule of law in Africa, but African countries'
national sovereignty and dignity have to be respected, Liu Guijin,
China's Special Envoy on African Affairs, said Tuesday.
It is the Chinese government's long-standing policy to
encourage and support good governance, human rights and
rule of law, but we have to respect African people's own
choice for their way of development, he said in an open
speech at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs
Any country, no matter with any reason, should not impose a
particular "value" or way of life on African countries, he
"I am here to discuss with my Nigerian friends on how to
promote Sino-Africa relations and how to strengthen
bilateral ties between China and Nigeria," he said.
"We will not impose our model of development on any of
country in this continent, otherwise, we want to share our
experience on opening-up and economic development with
African brother nations, who may adopt its own suitable way
of development," he said.
On Sino-Africa economic cooperation, the senior Chinese
diplomat rebuffed some "western countries' accusations that
China is robbing natural resources" from this continent,
saying that China's investment not only flows to natural
resources sectors, but also to manufacturing, finance,
human resources, infrastructure construction, healthcare
and agriculture.
He attributed some western countries' "over-reaction" to
their "fear of the losing traditional monopoly" over Africa
"The international community should make joint efforts to
help African countries to go ahead. Any measures and
actions, only if they benefit Africa, we will render our
full support," he said.
According to Liu, China's direct investment stood at about
11.1billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2007.
Actions have been taken to implement the agreements reached
between China and African countries since the 2006 summit
in Beijing, especially projects to build schools,
hospitals, agriculture cooperation, debt-cancellation and
governmental development loans, which were illustrated in
Chinese President Hu Jintao's guideline on Sino-Africa
On answering a Darfur question in the interactive section,
Liu said the decades-old question was very complicated and
talks among different groups are necessary to the process.
China would work closely with the international community,
African Union and major peace-keeping countries like
Nigeria to encourage a quick solution to the problem, he
Monday, 2 June 2008
Senior CPC official: China respects Nepalese people's choice | |
BEIJING, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government and people respect the Nepalese people's choice of social system and development path suited to its own conditions, said a senior CPC official here Monday.
Wang Jiarui, head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks at a meeting with Krishna Bahadur Mahara, member of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) and minister of Information and Communication.
Wang voiced his congratulations on the success of the first meeting of the newly elected Nepal's Constituent Assembly (CA) and hoped that parties concerned, including the CPN-M, would continue to push forward the peace process in Nepal so as to ensure peace, stability and development in the country as early as possible.
The first meeting of the CA declared last Wednesday the country a federal democratic republic at the International Conference Center in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu.
Wang spoke highly of the Nepalese government's and different parties' consistent position on issues concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, hoping that the Nepalese side would continue to follow a friendly policy toward China.
Wang said China and Nepal are neighbors and enjoy a traditional friendship.
The CPC had maintained friendly exchanges and contacts with major Nepalese parties and it would further relations with them, said Wang.
Wang also briefed Mahara on China's fight against the severe earthquake that hit southwest China's Sichuan Province on May 12, and expressed his appreciation for the Nepalese side's concern and sympathy.
Mahara expressed once again deep condolences to the victims in the devastating earthquake on behalf of Prachanda, chairman of the CPN-M.
He said the Chinese people would definitely overcome the difficulties and rebuild the hometown under the leadership of the CPC and the Chinese government.
Mahara said CPN-M firmly supported China's stance on Tibet-related issues, and would prevent any forces from doing anti-China activities in Nepal.
Mahara briefed Wang the latest situation in Nepal.
The two sides also exchanged views on party-to-party relations.

March 11, 2008
[pictured: Castro meeting with Wu Guanzheng, Politburo member of the CPC]
Las Tunas, (Writing Tiempo21).- The Cuban newspaper Granma publishes Tuesday the foreword written by Fidel Castro to the Chinese edition of the book entitled One Hundred Hours with Fidel, by the French journalist Ignacio Ramonet. Below the entire text.
To the people of China
I am pleased to think that the legendary Chinese people, of millennial culture, will count on the modest ideas written in this book. This is thanks to the Institute of Latin American Studies and the Ciencias Sociales Publishing House, attached to the Academy of Social Sciences of China, that translated into that rich language the volume One Hundred Hours with Fidel, in which I answer the questions of the French journalist Ignacio Ramonet.
José Martí, our National Hero, while he faced the Spanish colonial domain, almost 120 years ago, in a book for children and adolescents, spoke of a Chinese emperor that when proclaiming his victory he exclaimed: "When there is not freedom in the earth, everybody must look for it on a horse! "
The history of Cuba is witness of the firm conviction with which the Chinese people had ingrained the sense of freedom. The heroic participation of many Chinese citizens in our war for the independence 1868 - who arrived deceived at the Spanish colony in Cuba under the form of contracts, promoted by England that then for mercantilist reasons and of competition wanted to substitute the African slavery by the Chinese slavery - strengthened the high concepts we had about China. Gonzalo de Quesada, Martí´s beloved friend, asserted this in a brief and firm expression: “There was not a Chinese-Cuban deserter. There was not a Chinese-Cuban traitor”.
By the middle of the 20th century, the social revolutions that took place, first in China and later in Cuba, mated for the future to our two counties in the same fight trench for the socialism.
To only 86 years after the foundation of their Communist Party and 57 after the proclamation of the People's Republic, China has become the main motor of the world economy.
On the other hand, Cuba in a distant latitude has resisted without giving in almost 50 years of aggressions and strong economic blockade by part of the United States, the most powerful imperialistic power in the human history. If Cuba has been able to organize its resistance, it not only due to its patriotism, but also to the wide solidarity and the support that it has received from other revolutionary people of the world, among them the beloved People's Republic of China.
Our destinations are intertwined in a world where the force and the unique pole must be faced with wisdom and many poles.
In the 21st century the world must count on China and many of the humanity's big challenges won't have solution without its active and cardinal participation.
For those essential reasons, we grant exceptional importance to this book in Chinese language that will allow those readers and studious to have a bigger information on the history of our Latin American region and the events of great international repercussion that took place or are happening in this hemisphere. The topics and the questions made by the French journalist are numerous and complexes. We had long conversations from 2003 to 2005, without having idea that my answers would engender this book.
Ramonet, activist and militant of the world movement of fight against the neoliberal globalization, says with transparency in his introduction the things in which he doesn't agree we us, due to his point of view of European intellectual. Those ideas appear textually in the Spanish edition and in the first Cuban edition.
Already published the Spanish edition and the first Cuban edition in Spanish language without having the opportunity of revising the transcription of the interview, I promised Ramonet to carry out a complete and meticulous revision of the extensive material, which was partilly recorded or filmed, while there were other brief notes taken quickly by hand in long air trips or using other means of transportation by land. I was absorbed in that unavoidable and important work and in other multiple activities that our fight demands when I made sick, at the end of July 2006. While I was hospitalized and during whole weeks, I dedicated time to revise all the answers, paragraph by paragraph.
The second Cuban edition was published for the celebration of the 14th Summit of Non-Aligned Countries in Havana, in September. The text handed to Ramonet increased 80 pages, among them those dedicated to the letters exchanged with the Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khruschev during the October Crisis in 1962 and with the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein soon after the occupation of Kuwait in 1990, and the dramatic story of the steps given by Cuba during the bankrupt coup d'etat in Venezuela in April 2002.
In the perennial search for offering wider and more exact information, already convalescent, I dedicated several weeks to the preparation of the third edition, in order to give it to many friends that would come to Cuba on December 2nd, 2006 to celebrate my 80th birthday. So the text received new precisions in style and content, as well as answers to new questions specially made by the journalist Ignacio Ramonet for the French edition of the book.
The Chinese reader could realize that some of the exposed ideas were taking place when I was asked, but I didn't avoid the answers. At this moment I have much more information and I have had more time to meditate and to deepen on those topics.
An additional honor is that this publication is going to be carried out at an early date to the October 1st, with reason of the 58th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Chinese Revolution and Independence, fruit of the extraordinary military and revolutionary prowess of a people I always admired for its industry, intelligence and heroism.
Fidel Castro Ruz
September 12, 2007
Translation: Ernesto Gutiérrez Pino